My fun summer project this year (aside from planning the trip of a lifetime) was to begin to ride JR, my cart pony. I thought it would be fun to get back in the saddle again since hauling the cart in and out has become a bit of a physical chore. I sent him to a trainer for a week to get him started, hopped on a couple times myself and all was going pretty good. I did come off once or twice (actually twice) but no harm, no foul. He's not very tall and it's not very far down. Both instances were preventable and not simply vicious on his part.

2 weeks ago I went over to my friend Patty's place to trail ride with her. It would be our 3rd trail ride - the first two being simply fantastic. While mounting from a plastic mounting block, I inadvertently moved my leg into JR's right side and like a good boy he moved away from it - which is what he is supposed to do. However, it caused him to step into the plastic mounting block and tangle his rear leg(s) in the block. Short story.....a rodeo ensued and I ended up on the ground rather hard. I knew it was different from my other falls immediately and moved slowly. I decided the prudent thing to do was to have Patty take me to the ER and get my hip checked which we did. All was well, so I hobbled home, and got on ibuprophen, ice and vicodin. A week later I went to the chiropractor who straightened out the problem with the right leg, but two days later the left began to H U R T. Since then...about 6 days now, I have been unable to use it without serious pain and resorting to my cane to get around. Went back in to the ER again Sunday, re-xrayed and still nothing shows broken. BUT I'm telling you, this H U R T S!
Bottom line is that my summer now will consist completely of working to get back into condition to walk Scotland and Italy without pain and/or a cane. No riding for me this summer :(. I'm very sad about that, but priorities are priorities. Oh, and just for the record let me tell you that 60 year old plus-sized ladies don't fall worth s**t. Wish me well.
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