Tuesday, June 28, 2011

One Day At A Time

Tomorrow is ninety days.  Three months.  It seems that June came at us and past us with the speed of a freight train.  I am almost afraid of July.  What do I need to do, yet?  Well, I don't know, because I have been trying to ignore all of it so completely that I haven't even made a really good list...and I am a major list maker.  I have spent my time chatting with my Italian Facebook friends, surfing the internet, reading Italian blogs, and day-dreaming about the trip.  Maybe the first step should be making a list?

Ok, so what sort of things do I have to do?  Let's start at the beginning, always a good place to start.  First, categories:
  1. Things I need to do at home for while I am gone
  2. Things I need to do for the trip
  3. Things I need to do for "traveling" (what goes in the pack)
  4. Things I need to leave at home.
So, in the first category, I am putting:
  1. Finishing my living trust and will
  2. Setting up automatic bill pays
  3. Arranging for someone to put my checks in the bank
  4. Making sure everything in my room is organized for company to stay there (OMG-there is ninety days worth of work)
Number two includes:
  1. Buying the train passes
  2. Checking on the ferry tickets
  3. Making reservations for Venice/Padova
  4. Reservations for sleepers
    1. Amsterdam to Munich
    2. Munich to Vienna
    3. Vienna to Venice
  5. Reservations for Cinque Terre (if we can decide when)
Third, the pack:
  1. Completely pack the pack. 
  2. See what I forgot to pack
  3. Unpack the pack and pack it again
  4. Ok, what did I forget?
  5. Maybe spend the last five weeks wearing only what I am taking?  That could get really boring, especially when it will end up ten weeks in the same clothes.
Fourth, what I want to leave behind.  This is really the hardest one, and the one I have to commit to the most.  I don't want to take:
  1. 30#
  2. Well, at least 20# (let's get real)
  3. I want to leave behind my cellulite, belly fat, bat wings, double chin, grey hair, and wrinkles. 
  4. Too bad I also have to leave behind fantasy
I do want to be in shape for the walking, and we have talked about this so much.  I have started walking many times, and last about four days before life gets in my way.  I have to stop letting it happen.

I also have done a pretty good job of losing weight, but I have also done an even better job of putting it back on.  The way it stands now, I have about broken even, maybe a pound or two less. 

So, number four, with all of its self-inflicted challenges, barriers,  procrastinations and excuses will be the hardest to deal with, and that is the main reason I decided to blog this.  I want a public (well, as public as a blog that nobody reads) forum in which to air my dirty laundry, and hopefully to also record my successes...and maybe, just maybe get some encouragement.

Allora, as the American song "Tomorrow" says "Tomorrow...you're only a day away", or maybe more accurately as the Italian song "Domani" says, "domani è già qui" (tomorrow is already here).


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