Monday, June 6, 2011

생일 축하, 루크

Well, I hope that says "Happy Birthday, Luke" in Korean.  If not, I sincerely apologize to anyone I may have offended, and I would love to know what I actually said...and shame shame, GoogleTranslate!

In any case, this is (as they say these days) a shout out to my nephew (and incidently, Becky's son), Luke who is serving in the US Army in Korea, and whose birthday is tomorrow (but today now for him there-ok, so this is a compromise).

(Gee, Becky...even our children travel more than we do.  Now granted, where they go isn't exactly where we would chose to go, but hey, they are traveling, aren't they?)

So, in any case, I hope you have (or ARE having) a really happy day {I am soooooo confused}.  Maybe if you get some time off in October, you could pop on over to Italy and say hi...or maybe next deployment, try for Germany and we will force ourselves to go there to see you.

Buon Compleanno, il mio nipote.  Abbi cura di te [see previous post :)]

Zia Dee

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