Saturday, January 1, 2011

What? Me Worry?

It is midnight.  I wanted to have some profound words to put on our blog about how now it is time to really commit to this trip and get down to making concrete plans.  I wanted to say how I was looking forward to it even more now that we have reached our "no turning back" point.  I wanted to say that nothing-not jobs, or mothers, or lack of money, or weather, or terrorists were going to stop us from our goal and dream of traveling to other countries and exploring other cultures, people and sights.

I wanted to say all of that, but all I actually decided to do was write a quote that I read today: 

Se al mio problema c'è una soluzione, perchè preoccuparmi?
Se al mio problema non c'è soluzione, perchè preoccuparmi?

(If there is a solution to my problem, why worry?
If there is no solution to my problem, why worry? )

I have decided that this will be the "quote for the year" that I will try to live by.   I have always believed that we should plan for tomorrow, but live in today, but it is a harder thing to do than to say.  Perhaps if I put a little more effort into it, I can make it become a true part of my being.

So saying that, for today, January 1, 2011, I am going to start looking for the solutions.  If they are there, no worry.  And if they aren't....well, no worry.

And since I will be saving a whole lot more time by not worrying, I can put that time into working on the plans for tomorrow and the trip we are  looking forward to so much.

Auguri di Buon Anno, tutti!


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