Thursday, January 6, 2011

A Letter to Aldo

I sent off a note to the travel agent who is going to help us with our trip.  His name is Aldo and he is a friend of Cathy's (our ex-sister-in-law), and he is not only a travel agent, but is also Italian.  He is married to a long-time friend of Cathy's and she has graciously agreed to share him with us.

Most of what I sent was a rough draft of my rambling thoughts, but there actually where some organized thought hidden within it. Here is what we have decided so far:
Aldo Della Ragione

Scotland: 7-10 days. Listed by priority
Island of Bute 3-5 days
Maybe Inverness

Vienna, 2 days 
Spanish Riding School

Italy, 7-10 days
Venice (2)
Florence (2)
Cinque Terre
Perugia sometime during the week of October 13-24
(ANYWHERE Nomadi is having a concert)
(Nearly anywhere Zucchero is having a concert)

We know we want to travel by train and ferry, (may have to travel by bus out of necessity sometimes).
Fly to London?
Train to Glasgow
Ferry to Bute
Ferry back to Glasgow
Train to Edinburgh
Train to Newcastle
Ferry to Amsterdam
Train to Vienna
Train to Venice
Train around Italy (and maybe a bus or two)
Oh, yes…and vaporetto around Venice (le gondole sono troppo caro)

Add a plane to London, an occasional cab, and all we are short is hot air balloon, helicopter, bicycle (maybe on Bute), scooter (may be able to do something about that), rollerskates, submarine and rickshaw?  Now that could be a fun "bucket list". 

Speaking of bucket lists, one I added awhile back is to try truffles (not the ones dipped in chocolate-although they may have those in Perugia.  The ones that grow underground).  Maybe Parma?

I am looking forward to seeing what Aldo has to say about our plans, about whether we are being too ambitious or if we have a workable outline. 

More about each of the places we want to go in later blogs, and why they were picked from so many possibilties.

In the meantime, I am having fun, and I have stopped hyperventilating everytime I think about paying for an airline ticket…at least for now.


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