Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Big Jump

Well, we did it!  We laid out the first of our cold hard cash today.  Dee secured a reservation for the Perugia Farmhouse which will be our 'home' for the 2-3 days we are in Perugia for the International Chocolate Festival.  It is a really neat place.  Then this morning we got together by phone and hashed out the information necessary to submit our flight reservations.  We are talkin' big money here and our leap of faith. The trip is officially on now.  But, we found what we believe is a really good price for our flights.  $822 each to leave from LA, fly to London (via Toronto, Canada) and fly home from Milan. Italy a month later (via Zurich, Switzerland.  By the time we finish this trip we should have set foot in the following:  California (no big deal there), Canada, England, Scotland, Holland, Germany, Austria and Switzerland and Italy.  How cool is that??

Now I'm doing my part of the planning and trying to iron out our schedule for Scotland.  Right now it reads: (from London) to Ft. Williams, Glasgow, Bute, Glasgow, Inverness, Edinburgh and then to Newcastle England where we will catch a ferry to Amsterdam.  That much will take around 8-10 days.

I have to say, this is SO much fun.


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