Sunday, December 19, 2010

What it might sound like pub crawling

One of the things I really want to experience while in Scotland is what they call 'pub crawling'.  Here we'd call it bar hopping I suppose.  But since one of the things I really can't wait to experience is listening to the accents in Scotland, it is something that simply sounds like fun.  I mean, really, sitting with a drink and listening to the locals... doesn't that sound like fun?

So anyway, while watching a fun show last night on TV - The Late Late Show with Craig Fergueson (who happens to be a Scot), I heard this bit of hillarity.  Now I know the local Scots won't probably be this funny, but really it is a hoot to listen to.  You don't have to watch it all, but it's pretty fun.

And.. by the way, once January 1st arrives, do we get to start counting down for our trip in weeks? or do we stay with months.  We have lots to do!!

last week -2.6
today -.4

1 comment:

  1. I think before we go, we had better have a "Monarch of the Glen" and "Hamish MacBeth" marathon, or there will be more problems understanding the language in Scotland than in Italy. Oh, wait...YOU are responsible for translating in Scotland...

