Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Too Much Liguria, Not Enough Time

Thanks to Giada Valenti
One of the places I really would like to go while we are in Italy is the Cinque Terre (literally, five lands).  It is five villages which sit on the cliffs overlooking the Italian Riviera.  There are both a five kilometer hiking trail and a train linking the five villages. 

 The ruggedness, remoteness, and beauty are some of the things that draw people to the CT.  

Now, I have found another place on the Ligurian coast that looks stunning. It is
Ventimiglia (humm, that means "twenty miles") and it sits at the French-Italian border (thanks to a facebook friend for telling me about it).  Here are some pictures of it.  You will see why I would love to see it.

Click here for a page with a lot of pictures of the town.  It is a place that will have to wait until another trip, but certainly would be worth seeing. 

This reminds me of something I read, ( I think from Rick Steves) about trying to not see everything on one trip.  I think narrowing down where you want to go is one of the hardest things to do when planning a trip. It is also one of the most fun, because you get to look at all of the possibilities, and pick the areas you would like to see.

I really don't want this trip to be one of "we have to go there" or "we have to see....".  I think this takes the adventure out of a trip and makes it just a "trip".  I do think we need to narrow down the area we want to explore, and some of MY fun is seeing all of these great places and then picking the area that appeals to us the most.

Ok, on to more pictures and places.... ( check out Giada Valenti's blog)

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