Monday, December 13, 2010

Kiwi Inspiration

I just finished catching up on our Kiwi cousin's adventures in France.  (  She is there as an English teaching assistant and is my inspiration for writing this blog.  I am so impressed with the way she will just hop on the train and travel an hour to Toulouse, six hours to Paris, then an hour to Sens...not to mention the layovers and "wanderings", and a lot of this is alone.   

I can only hope our adventure will be as interesting as hers, and that we will find ourselves in the position to interact with the local people.  Her photographs are beautiful, and I love her humor.  Good on you, Leebee...keep up the good work. (oh, are you speaking German? it!)

PS:  see her Blog to find out:
1) Why she is pointing at a poster of Libya.
2) Why, although she studied Spanish and French, she is "speaking German" in France.
3) Who her teeny-tiny traveling companion is.
4)  What Pastis is.


1 comment:

  1. Jeje, glad you're enjoying the blog. Writing it keeps me entertained. :)
    Yours is cool too! Lots of interesting info on there. Can't wait to hear about your actual trip. I may end up still being in Europe... am toying with the idea of staying on another year.
