Friday, August 19, 2011

Sleeping Sitting Up...and Other Poor Choices

Our first plan was to take the ferry from Newcastle to Amsterdam, explore the city some, and then catch the night train to Vienna by way of Munich.  It was a good plan, and we probably should have kept it.  Instead, I got the wonderful idea that instead of paying $240 or so and sleeping the entire way across, that if we took that same money and put it on a cheap hotel room in Amsterdam, we could have a wonderful day there, spend the night and catch a cheaper train in the morning, and enjoy the scenery along the way.  Right. (see prior post).

So, since I couldn't go back and change our non-refundable, non-transferable, non-exchangeable tickets,  I got to spend about 3 days finding suitable accomadations in an incredibly expensive city.  Going forward, we do have first class tickets on the train, and we can see where we are going.   The schedule looks like this:

Amsterdam            Departs 0704
Franfurt                 Arrives  1034

Frankfurt               Departs 1054
Munich                 Arrives  1433

Munich                 Departs 1527
Vienna                  Arrives  0744

We do get a couple of breaks when we change trains, so that will help to break up a very long train ride.  Plus we get to step foot in two different German cities.  Ok, two different German train stations, but at this point, we are looking for our adventure where we can find it.

Part two to follow..............................

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