Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day: Abbi Cura di Te

I don't know if this song actually works as well for Mother's Day as I think it does, but I love it anyway.

Take Care of Yourself

The white roads
I run in freedom
but one person (is) here
always here
my mother
and the voice with which
she says to me
take care of yourself.

Day after day,
Flight of youth,
you know you accompany me,
only you
my queen
and now that I run away
you say to me
take care of yourself.

The sun knows where it goes
where I will sleep
on the other hand I don't know,
I will work,
I will grow
and I will think of you
this I know for certain.

I, who doesn't count
I, who has nothing
In this heart of mine
I will hold on to you
I pray for what you do not have
to you I also say
"take care of yourself"

The sun knows where it goes.
Where I sleep
On the other hand, I don't know
I will work
I will grow
And I will think of you, this for certain
I know.

(Thanks to Nomadi, with a very very rough translation by me)

Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms. And from the Moms, for the Sons and Daughters we worry about "Abbi cura di te".

Happy Mother's Day, Becky.


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