So just suppose you had a favorite artist. Someone whose music or art spoke to you, and for whom you had a special regard. Suppose it was someone whose music or art lifted you up at a time when you were really down, and sparked an interest in something when you hadn't been interested in anything for a long time. Now suppose you were serendipitously placed in a position where you were going to meet that person.
Are you sweating, yet?
I am, and I don't even know what the situation is, yet. It came about on Facebook. Now, our sister Julie is doing the "mom" thing. You know, the one about all the evils that abound on Facebook, and how people have vanished off the face of the earth (or worse), because of liaisons started between the innocent victim (moi?), and the pervert on the other end of the Internet (Mario, obviously). Becky and I didn't think of any of that. To us it was just an exciting, unexpected, marvelous adventure that presented itself to us as a gift, a wonderful, happy, (and for me) spine tingling explosion of emotions.
So back to that meeting of fan and artist. What would you say? What would you do? I think Becky's take on it is perfect: Try to not look like an idiot. Well, that is all well and good, but how does one do that? For one thing, I am not completely sure that he speaks English. I know Mario doesn't because, 1) the chat was entirely in Italian, and 2) he told me he didn't. My artist may or may not. He does sing in English occasionally, and his favorite artist (maybe the one that would have him tongue-tied) is Peter Gabriel, so there is a small chance that I could listen to him speak English with a delightful Italian accent rather than him listening to me stutter my way through in a mess of badly conjugated verbs and confused articles.
In any case, I am not even sure I am reading Mario's email right, and won't know until I hear back from my Italian teacher who I have asked to be my definitive translator (sorry, google translate). In any case, it raised an interesting question for me. How would I behave in that situation? What would I say? What would I do? And how would I be perceived? What do I want to know? Do I just let him know what his music has meant to me? Or maybe I will simply say, "Grazie per aver condiviso il tuo cuore, e per salvare la mia anima."
(Perhaps to be continued...)
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