Sunday, November 28, 2010

Addendum to Dee's 11/28 Post

So the trip to Vegas was fantastic.  The best birthday I've ever had and a great way to 'welcome' my 60th. (Lord that sounds OLD).  Here's what I learned in Vegas. There is NOTHING in Vegas that will help prepare you for Scotland (my part of the trip to plan).  There are no casinos in Vegas styled after a Scottish castle - although it could be kinda cool.  There is no Scottish food to practice on.  But, what I did find is the following:

*  I agree that comfortable shoes (preferably with a complete sole) and good socks are a really good idea
*  I am capable of pushing myself to walk further than I thought I could - although 6 miles in one day was a surprise
*  I am going to have a great time traveling with my sister


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