Monday, November 29, 2010

Buon Compleanno!

Ah, and it seems like just yesterday that I was an only child, and then my world changed with the birth of a sibling (the first of many, I must say).  Over the long run, in spite of how I felt when I was 5, it has been a much better world.  Thank you for the good times we have had, and the support you have given me.  I am looking forward to our "Grand Tour" together.

Love, Dee

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Addendum to Dee's 11/28 Post

So the trip to Vegas was fantastic.  The best birthday I've ever had and a great way to 'welcome' my 60th. (Lord that sounds OLD).  Here's what I learned in Vegas. There is NOTHING in Vegas that will help prepare you for Scotland (my part of the trip to plan).  There are no casinos in Vegas styled after a Scottish castle - although it could be kinda cool.  There is no Scottish food to practice on.  But, what I did find is the following:

*  I agree that comfortable shoes (preferably with a complete sole) and good socks are a really good idea
*  I am capable of pushing myself to walk further than I thought I could - although 6 miles in one day was a surprise
*  I am going to have a great time traveling with my sister


The Venetian and Bellagio are NOT in Italy

Ok, so this past week wasn't exactly in Italy, but there were Italian moments, even though it was only Las Vegas. 

Becky and I went on a birthday (hers) trip to Las Vegas as a practice run.  Well, sort of, because we didn't do much practicing.

We did spend an unproductive 30 or so minutes trying to find the Carnivale mask shop in the warren of shops at the Venetian hotel.  We watched the gondaliers in the "canal" sing to their passengers at the "Piazzo San Marco".  (I know that is where we were because I could see the Leon di San Marco, and the it had to be Venice, right?  And there really was a canal, of sorts.) 

We went to the water show outside the Bellagio.  We went on an adventure through Caesar's Palace.  We found out first hand the importance of good shoes.  We found out we were capable of walking past gelato.  We also found out that we have about 10 months to get ourselves to the point where we can walk more than two blocks without breaking into the anti-inflammatories.  Now, that could be the major challenge of this whole adventure. 

We also stopped by the travel agent's office in the hotel.  We were trying to get information on the train and ferry systems, and on the best ways to get from Great Britain to the continent.  Unfortunately, we have to have dates.  Real dates, not just chocolate flavored dates.  I think I get a little nervous when I think about actually picking the date we are leaving, and even more nervous when it comes to buying the tickets.  We need to take deep breaths and get committed to having a date before the end of the year so we can start trolling for the best ticket prices. 

1)  Shoes are going to be a major and thoughtfull purchase
2)  Picking a date is a priority.  Getting the nerve to do it....?
3)  Getting lost even in a fake Venice is fun



Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Allora, perché l'Italia?

I have never been interested in anything more Italian than eggplant parmesan, but then I discovered Andrea Bocelli.  He introduced me to Zucchero (an Italian rock-pop-blues singer who discovered Bocelli). I was watching a video of Zucchero's daughter singing at Sanremo, and that introduced me to Nomadi (I was aware of them before, but not really a fan). Nomadi, Zucchero, Bocelli, and Irene Fornaciari introduced me to Italy, and La Bella Lingua-Italiano. 

Now I am in the process of planning the Italian leg of our trip.  Ok, I have never been there, know little of the country, and haven't the first idea of how to get around on the European train system…especially from Great Britain to Vienna to Italy.  Mostly, my planning will consist of getting us from Edinboro or London by train to Vienna, and then to Venice.  We have some ideas about how we are getting to the Continent from the Island, but still in the "good-idea-but-can-we-do-it" stage.

Oh, and did I mention CHOCOLATE?   Since Becky and I have dedicated our lives to chocolate, I believe we are well beyond the amateur label of chocoholic, and should be considered connoisseurs (chocosseurs?).  Our trip dates are being dictated by the Eurochocolate Festival in Perugia October 14-23.  Since we wanted to go in either May or October, this worked out well.  Now to figure out how to plan the trip so we are in Perugia on those important dates, and where to stay in a country where we don't really speak the language.

OK, time to go do my Italian language homework.  SOMEONE had to be able to read a menu and pick the wine….and I guess it is going to be me. 


Monday, November 15, 2010

The Planning So Far

At this point, we are planning what we conservativly call our "Fantasy Trip."  You have to start someplace, throw it all out there then pare it down to something manageable.  It all started a few years ago with Dee's interest, then obsession, with geneology.   The result, however, was some wonderful, fascinating history about our family.  We learned that while we are in fact, mostly mutts, there is a little bit of purity in our paternal history - that being Scottish.  What's really fun is that she also found not only the part of Scotland our family was from, but the island and eventually probably the cottage we are from. How cool is that?

So we know we will be going to the Isle of Bute off the west coast of Scotland and spending time.  We want to go pub crawling in Edinburgh (although I don't drink whiskey or beer so I think I'm sunk). Our basic plan for the whole trip is to stay in hostels, eat cheap which may not be a problem in Scotland since who's ever heard of going out for Scottish?  After Scotland for a couple weeks, we plan to head to Italy. That's Dee's baby so she can talk about that. We will make a quick stop in Vienna, Austria because since the age of about 9, I've dreamed of going there to see the Spanish Riding School (Lipizzaners) and Dee is kindly indulging me.  Of course in return I will be indulging her with Nomadi or Zucchero (more about them later).
